Anup Katheria MD. Neonatologist
Anup Katheria MD Neonatologist. Associate Professor of Pediatrics and the Director of the Neonatal Research institute and NICU follow-up clinic at Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women & Newborns, San Diego, California. He was awarded as Young Investigator Award in 2015 and in also honored in the Drexel Magazine (2016). He had published nearly 26 article and he has given is presentation of trending topics on pediatrics. He is also an active speaker in the conferences in California Association of Neonatologists, Neonatal Respiratory Symposium. His interests are in functional echocardiography, point of care ultrasound, and conducting clinical trials.

Jae H. Kim MD PhD. Director, Division of Neonatology, Perinatal Institute at Cincinnati Children’s
Hospital Medical Center. Dr. Jae Kim is a pediatric neonatologist with special interests include neonatal nutrition, neonatal bowel injury, bedside ultrasound and resuscitation. His current research centers on optimizing human milk feeding for the premature infant, pioneering the use of bedside ultrasound in the NICU and innovation in resuscitation in resource-limited settings.

Lucky Jain MD MBA. Member, Board of Directors of The Children’s Care network. Chief Academic Officer & Chair of Pediatrics at Emory University and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. USA
Dr. Jain’s research is focused on elucidating the physiology of lung sodium and fluid transport, and on strategies to enhance lung fluid clearance, particularly in late preterm infants and those born by elective cesarean sections. He heads a NIH funded laboratory and is currently the PI on a R01 looking at regulation of alveolar fluid clearance.

Martin Keszler MD. He is Professor of Pediatrics at Brown University
Martin Keszler MD. He is Professor of Pediatrics at Brown University and Director of Respiratory Care at Women and Infants Hospital of Rhode Island, where he has served as a Neonatal Research Network (NRN) investigator since 2010. He served on the Advisory Board of the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Units Network of the NICHD and was Vice Chair of the Data Safety and Monitoring Board of the NICHD NRN. He has published numerous original papers, reviewed articles, book chapters and editorials, presented over 300 lectures at national and international conferences, moderated or conducted over 50 workshops or round-table discussions and was a visiting professor in over 20 medical institutions in the U.S. and abroad. His research focuses on advanced modes of conventional and high-frequency ventilation, prevention of lung injury and treatment of pulmonary hypertension.

Nathalie Charpak MD. Senior researcher, director at Fundacion Canguro
Nathalie Charpak MD. Senior researcher, director at Fundacion Canguro. She is a French and Colombian pediatrician. As the founder and director of the Kangaroo Foundation, and associate researcher of the Pontifical Javierian University, her research focuses on the care of low-birth weight preterm infants and the application of kangaroo mother care. Charpak’s work has earned her, and the Kangaroo Foundation, multiple awards, including the Legion of Honour and the Save the Children Healthcare Innovation Award. Charpak has co-authored more than 120 research articles which have been cited more than 2,872 times. She has an h-index of 22 and eight of her papers have been cited more than 100 times each. She has also contributed chapters to eight books, and authored two general public books that have been translated into more than five languages: French: La methode kangourou: Comment les mères des enfants prématurés se substituent aux couveuses (1996) and Kangaroo Babies: A Different Way of Mothering (2006). She has also co-authored several technical publications, including the Kangaroo Mother Care guidelines for the WHO. In 2016, she released a publication in collaboration with Grand Challenges Canada, that presented a 20 year follow up of the KMC method versus traditional care. It gained wide public attention and was covered by more than 50 publications in various countries.

Steven P. Miller, FRCPC, MDCM. Neonatologist Investigator
Steven P. Miller, FRCPC, MDCM. Neonatologist Investigator, BC Children’s Hospital in Vancouver, Hudson Family Hospital Chair in Pediatric Medicine, Professor and Head, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Chief Pediatric Medicine, BC Children’s Hospital & Sunny Hill Health Centre, Provincial Health Services Authority. The focus of his neonatal neurology research group is to better understand brain development and injury in the newborn. Using advanced magnetic resonance (MR) techniques and bedside brain monitoring study how white matter injury and systemic illness affects brain development in critically ill newborns. A better understanding of the factors that impact brain development and injury will allow us to directly improve the neurodevelopmental outcome of high-risk newborns.